What is depression?/what is Postpartum depression/ Causes and Treatment/ The difference between sadness and depression

What is depression?/what is Postpartum depression/ Causes and Treatment/ The difference between sadness and depression

What is depression?

It is a disorder that affects over 10% of the world's population, but we as a society we know a little about it. it is defined by thoughts, behaviors and feelings, rather than obvious symptoms like vomiting, raches, or fever.

Depression is founded as per the American psychological Association as a mood disorder characterized by persistently negative feelings and changes one’s thoughts and behaviors.  Over 25% of the global population suffers from depression making it the most common mental illness in the word over 25% that means approximately 1 in 4 people.

The Stereotypes tell as that depressed people are weak, unless they happened to be a tortured artist. 

The difference between sadness and depression

They seem quite similar however there are a number of important differences between them.
There are six important distinctions that may help improve your understanding of the differences between sadness and depression:
  1. Sadness is an emotional reaction, depression is a mental illness much like sneezing and coughing can be due to an irritant like pepper but you don't have a cold. To deal with sadness doesn't always mean a diagnosis of depression.

    At times throughout our lives feeling sad response to hurt or this just rest and goes fading when the trigger is no longer president.

    Depression does not come and go, it doesn't come up only in response to hurt and distress it is simply presents, depression is one of the most misunderstood mental illnesses in the word affecting 16.1 million people in the US alone.

  2. Sadness is brief depression it is president because it is an emotional state, it doesn't t usually last for a very long, most of the people feel sad about something only a few hours at a time it's usually Fades on  its own.
    Depression is chronic and a depressive episode can last up to months or even years at the time. It is a serious condition that requires psychological intervention from a mental   health care professional before it can get better.
  3. sadness is specific depression is vague, there is usually a reason behind it specific nameable  events  like failing in a task, disappointment  in a job, where the last of the loved one can elicit sadness so while it is easy to share and open up about when making us sad. 

    Unlike sadness depression it's not a reaction to a negative situation, because those struggling with depression they don't understand why they are depressed. And the depressive episodes can be occasionally triggered by specific events, in the most cases depressions teams to develop for no reason at all.

  4. Sadness is subjective depression is objective, sadness is a personal experience with the occurrence and measurements old severity dependent affected persons perception. alone depression requires a professional diagnosis the persistent occurrence of a combination of symptoms like fatigue, loss of Interest, pain, or body aches needs to be present in order for a psychologist to say that someone has depression.

  5. Sadness has a short-term effects, depression has long-term consequences. Sadness as mentioned before it's brief and it fades, and you know that you would life has not significantly changed because you're still having your regular job and your life gets back on track.
    While depression can’t be taken so lightly as it affect all areas of a person's life picture of it can negatively end persistently impact everything from work performant two physical healths to thought patterns.

  6. Your mood depression affect your life when you're sad the normal reaction is to try to cheer yourself up with happy enjoyable distractions like hobbies that you love or even opening up to someone.
    Depression isn't so easily dealt with, because it can be hard to find enjoyment in anything we're even things you love seemed pointless. Your personal Battery feels virtually empty even when it comes to fun normal daily functions like Work or school or showering.
    Depression also disrupts normal eating and sleeping patterns, always factors combined mean you will likely end up staying in the bed all day feeling empty hopeless and alone.
    Knowing the difference between sadness and depression can do so much and helping your understanding of mental illness in general.

Signs of depression

 To have a major depressive disorder you must need five of these possible criteria outlines.

  • Neglecting friends and hobbies

Another frustrating symptom of depression is something known as anhedonia this means of pressure from the last of the pleasure from activities which usually would be fun.

According to psychology today it's one of the most common symptoms of depression, so if your friend no longer seems interested in their hobbies it may be a good time to check in with them.

  • Changes in sleep pattern

The sleep pattern is incredibly important for our mental health, often a change in our sleep pattern are one of the signs indicate that we are suffering mentally. 

This is particularly an issue because irregular sleep patterns can make the depression worse.
 Depression can cause insomnia (too sleep little) or hypersomnia (sleeping too much), these changes in sleep pattern also tends to result a decrease in overall energy. 
 Nutt Wilson end Patterson found that 75% of depressed patients reported insomnia and 40% reported hypersomnia. So if you notice a change to our sleep patterns in might be a sign that you're depressed.

  • Change in appetite
Another thing that depression can influence is our appetite, some people with depression find  that their appetite is much lower,  feeling unable to eat  conversely some people with depression have an increased appetite and may turn to food  to comfort eat.
Certain brain areas are involved in whatever some with depression lost or increase their appetite.

  • Low self-esteem

 Self-esteem is something that is over majorly affected by the depression.

Depression can make you see only the negative things about yourself and downplay your achievements.
You're something else expression as it can lead to people feel worthless. Even being showing in studies that low self-esteem as adolescence is a risk factor for depression as an adult. 

  • Decrease in hygiene

One way the lack of energy from depression can manifest is a decrease in someone's Hygiene.  Those with depression struggle to shower clean their teeth, or other self grooming habits we take for granted. 

This is due to their fatigue and lack of motivation to complete tasks. 

  • Irritability

 Irritability is one of the symptoms of depression, when you feel so negative about everything, it can make even little things feel incredibly annoying. because  depression causes dysfunction in the mood regulation, meaning anger is more likely to be displayed. 

  • Flat emotions

There is a misconception that depression is all about feeling sad all the time. Depression knows as flat mood this is where the person mood is dull. 

Can people say they feel numb like they can't feel anything at all, that’s mean they don't feel sad and they don't feel happy either.

what is postpartum depression?

A mood disorder that can be affected women shortly before or soon after childbirth; Most of the time it may occur soon after delivery or up to a year later. Any women regardless of her age social economic where is educational background can be impacted by this condition
80% of the women experience postpartum depression, anxiety, worries about being a good mom, or be able to resume the normal activities is the major symptoms.


The exact causes of postpartum depression are unknown; but changes in hormone levels during and after pregnancy may affect a woman's mood. Many non-hormonal factors also affected during this period:

Changes in the body from pregnancy and delivery.
Changes in work and social relationships.
Having less time and freedom for yourself.
Lack of sleep.
Worry is about your ability to be a good mother.
You may have a higher chance of postpartum depression if you are under age 20
Currently use alcohol, take illegal substances,  or smoke(  these  also cause serious health risks for the baby).
Did not plan the pregnancy, or had mixed feelings about the pregnancy.
Had depression, bipolar disorder, or an anxiety disorder before your pregnancy, or with a past pregnancy
 Had a stressful event during the pregnancy or delivery; including personal illness death or illness of a loved one
 Difficult or emergency delivery, premature delivery or illness for birth defect in the baby.
 Have a close family member who has had depression or anxiety.
 Have a poor relationship with your significant other or are or are single.
 Have a money or housing problems.
 Have a little support from family, friends, or your partner.


The doctor will usually talk with you about your feelings, thoughts and mental health to distinguish between short-term cause of postpartum baby blues  end a more severe form of depression.
 As part of your evaluations, your doctor may:
 Asked you to complete a depression screening questionnaire
 Order blood tests to determine the weather an Underactive Thyroid is contributing to yours times and symptoms.


Treatment and recovery time vary, depending on the severity of your depression and your individual needs.
Postpartum depression is often treated with psychotherapy (also called talk therapy or mental consulting), medication or both.
Psychotherapy it also may help to talk through your concerns with psychiatrist, psychologist or other mental health provider.
